eBooks & Digital Audiobooks
Please note most of digital resources and databases require at Smiths Falls Public Library card to access.

hoopla Digital
With hoopla digital, you can instantly borrow audiobooks, ebooks, comics, music, movies, and TV for FREE with the power of your library card! Use hoopla on your computer, mobile device or TV.
Library card required.
Need help with hoopla?

Libby (Mobile app by OverDrive)
Libby is easiest way to enjoy ebooks, digital audiobooks and magazines. The Libby app is available to download for free on Android and iOS devices. Also use Libby the browser at libbyapp.com.
Library card required.

OverDrive (Desktop only)
Don't have mobile device? You can browse our digital library through OverDrive! All you library card number.
Library card required.

EBSCOhost Databases
Download nearly 300,000 ebook and digital audiobook titles from leading publishers. Titles are compatible with eReaders, MP3 players, and other portable devices.
Library card required.