Looking for something that’s not in our collection? You can borrow items for free from other libraries across Ontario through the Interlibrary Loan system!
Before requesting Interlibrary Loan, please check our catalogue make sure don’t already have title in collection.
If you prefer digital formats, check out our eBook and digital audiobook collection on hoopla or Libby.
Ways to make a request
- In person at the Reference Desk
- By phone (613) 283-2911
- By email [email protected]
- Online through Discovery to Delivery (D2D)
You can create your own account on a desktop computer or contact the library and have a staff member set up an account for you.
Information Required to make a Request
- Your name
- Your library card number (must be up to date)
- Your preferred method of contact (phone or email)
- Title
- Author
- Any requirements (large print, hardcover/paperback, audiobook on C.D.)
Materials that can be borrowed
- Books
- DVDs
- Audiobooks (on C.D.)
- Microfiche Reels from Archives of Ontario
Please contact the library with the name of the collection and the reel numbers you would like to borrow.
Materials that cannot be borrowed
- Newly published/acquired materials (materials under 1 year) If you feel should have a title in collection, you can submit request to purchase.
- Current bestsellers
- Reference materials (directories, encyclopedias, etc.)
- Audio-Visual formats such as music CDs, certain audiobooks and DVD collections
- Electronic and online resources
- Materials that have copyright restrictions
- Textbooks, articles and other materials which are part of school/college/university library collections
- Genealogical or local history books (not in circulation)
- Technical information books
- Course materials
- Any titles deemed as non-circulating material by lending library
Interlibrary Loan Request Limits
You have 10 requests per month.
Processing and Arrival Times
Once your request is processed it may take up to 10 days or longer to receive materials, staff will contact you by your preferred method of contact if the item could not be found or borrowed.
Items are shipped with Canada Post. The time it takes to arrive depends on shipping and where in the province the items are are coming from.
Picking up your Interlibrary Loan
You will be notified by phone or email when your item is ready to be picked up. Please pick up item(s) as soon as possible. If your item is not picked up it will be sent back to the lending library and you will have to request the item again.
The loan period for Items
The loan period varies based on the item, and on any restrictions of loan periods imposed by lending source. Please check the assigned due date for your borrowed materials.
*The item will always have slip with the due date attached. Please don’t remove the due date slip.
You made a request in person, over the phone or via email and would like to know the status or cancel
- Contact the library
- Provide staff with as much information as possible (title, author and other important information) along with your name and library card number
Renewing an Interlibrary Loan Item
Interlibrary Loan items can usually be renewed, but sometimes this is not possible. Please contact staff one week prior to the original date if you require a renewal of an Interlibrary Loan item.
Returning your Interlibrary Loan Item
Please return your borrowed item on or before the due date. If the item is lost or damaged the cost is determined by the lending library and the fine is applied to your library account.